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We Can Empower People to Co-create a Better World

Main Hypothesis:

Periods of collective attention or emotion in large populations will coincide with correlations across a global network of physical random number generators.

Our hypothesis could not be strictly formulaic since global consciousness can only be usefully defined in operational terms. Our approach has been to work with a general hypothesis describing a range of conditions rather than a narrow set of parameters.

To set up a formal test, we first identify an engaging event. The criteria for event selection are that the event provides a focus of collective attention and emotion, and that it engages a large - sometimes global - group of people. We thus explore events of global character, but allow for variability in their type, duration, intensity and emotional tone. In practice, events are selected that capture news headlines, involve or engage millions of people, or represent emotionally potent categories, e. g., great tragedies and great celebrations.

Once an event is identified, the simple hypothesis test is constructed by fixing the start and end times for the event and specifying a statistical analysis of the Network Coherence to be performed on the corresponding data. These details are entered into a formal registry before the data are extracted from the archive.

20+ years of research under Dr. Roger Nelson’s care in the Global Consciousness Project 1 have yielded highly significant results and fine-tuning a repeatable process for event specification. We generally follow the specifications outlined by Dr. Nelson. There is still some flexibility in choosing the events that will be analyzed.

Registry entries

This table is updated as we hypothesize events to analyze. In these early stages of the project, the results are still exploratory and may not be significant yet. We are confirming more detailed hypotheses that will be tested in the future. All times are displayed in UTC time.

# Description Start Date/Time Hours Devices Z-score Probability

Research Questions and Hypotheses

Under the umbrella of the main hypothesis, we are also researching the following questions and hypotheses:

Does having more devices in the network lead to clearer effects at the large scale of GCP 2.0?

We aim to investigate this question, which would dramatically increase sensitivity and open a lot more flexibility for investigating detailed questions.

What is the effect of consciousness on electrons?

We can now investigate this further by having access to raw electron noise. GCP 1 was limited to the final random numbers output by RNGs.

What aspects of our consciousness cause these effects?

Are there different effects for positive versus negative emotions or events with greater attention but little emotional charge? GCP 1 results suggest that feelings of love and compassion have the strongest overall effect. What other specific classifications of consciousness are relevant here?

Can we track trends in society's collective consciousness, such as people's emotions reflected in Google Trends, financial market indicators, or other factors that correlate or track with this effect?

There is evidence that the GCP 2.0 network may change its behavior in the hours before and make predictions about these trends.

There is evidence that larger groups have a more noticeable impact on the network, leading us to analyze events that capture large or global attention. We also investigate network effects for smaller coherent groups with a shared intention, such as a powerful meditation event. The population size is smaller but more focused and coherent.

Does the network effect depend on distance from people or other RNG devices?

For example, a meditation event in one location may be detected more strongly in the nearby vicinity of the devices than on the other side of the planet. GCP 2.0 has clusters of RNGs at different locations worldwide, allowing us to explore this question further.

How do these consciousness effects show up over time?

For example, how long do the effects typically last? If there is an event of focused consciousness, do the RNGs detect an effect before, during or after the event?

Does it make a difference whether people consciously focus their attention on the RNGs rather than focusing on some other target, like a world event?

We are running experiments during specific periods when we request people direct their attention to the RNGs.

Can the network detect environmental behavior, such as earthquakes and other natural disasters, space weather, or tree rhythms?

HeartMath has many high-quality sensors measuring environmental effects that can measure this interconnectivity.

In addition to the classic Network Coherence used in GCP 1, what other metrics are useful and on what dimensions of consciousness do they shed light?

We are excited to explore these research questions and hypotheses with the GCP 2.0 network and continue to expand our understanding of collective consciousness.